The 1st seminar of E-COOL project in Brno
E-COOL - press release
The first interregional seminar of "Entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial Mindset in Young People through the Dynamisation of Competences, Teaching Methodologies and Entrepreneurial Ecosystem", shorter version E-COOL, was held in Brno on 4th December 2018. E-COOL is a constituent part of Interreg Europe program and South Moravian Region is involved into this project as one of 10 project partners which are from different European countries. The main aim of this project is to increase promotion of entrepreneurship mindset in youngsters.
South Moravian Region hosted the rest 9 partners and try their best to present initiatives an public-private collaboration schemes for promotion of entrepreneurship mindset of youngsters which was also the main aim of this seminar. Part of the program was held at JIC, South Moravian Innovation Center, where was the study visit. JIC mediates activities includes support services for start-ups, scale-ups and already established innovative companies, technology transfer and internationalization. After this study visit, every good practice presented before, was discussed and enlisted into prepared assessment templates. These templates are going to be evaluated at upcoming stakeholders meetings.
There were presented 10 examples of good practices:
- Regional Dev. Fund - Region of Attica (EL)
Youth Entrepreneurship Sumer Program
- Seville Chamber of Commerce (ES)
Andalucia Emprende Prosperity for Future
- Hanze University Groningen (NL)
Towards Explorative Space in the North of the Netherlands
- Hanze University Groningen (NL)
Entrepreneurial mindset from youngsters from 6 till adulthood
- Devon Country Council (UK)
The Gatsby benchmarks and the Careers Hub modal
- Zemgale Planning Region (LV)
"Start package on youth business mind"
- Puglia Region (IT)
Giovani Innovation in Azienda
- South Moravian Region (CZ)
JIC as place, where new businesses that change the world are born
- South Moravian Region (CZ)
Project Playpark Brno
- Harghita Country Council (RO)
Harghita Business Center
- Opole Agglomeration (PL)
Startup Mixer Opole
Whole program was full of friendly atmosphere and new experiences for all of us. We created a really great team and we are also looking forward to another cooperation.
Press releases: